Work Clothes Don’t Have to Be Boring

No one said you have to be a plain Jane/James at work. As long as you fall within the guidelines of dressing professionally, you are free to be as creative as you like. So through this platform, I’d love to share some tips on how you can dress in a stylish yet affordable way.

Tip 1: Know your workplace’s written and unwritten rules on dress code. Therefore, if you know you have to cover up tattoos, can’t wear piercings, or need to dress in a more conservative way – follow those guidelines!

Tip 2: Know your work environment. I work in an office setting where I could be in front of a judge at a moment’s notice. So I know that I should be court-ready at all times! That means closed toe shoes, a blazer, and a conservative top. However, you can be more relaxed depending on the environment in which you are in.

Here’s an example of a more conservative winter look.

Tip 3: Mix up your professional attire with one statement piece. And I do mean just one. If your top is floral print, don’t wear striped pants. But a patterned or bright piece that stands out can add some depth to your outfit. You don’t have to wear a statement piece everyday. A simple black outfit can also look bomb!

I just wanted to give you all just a few tips to start. I look forward to sharing more insights on my workplace fashion journey. I still have a lot to learn and a lot more cute outfits to put together! If you want to create a look like the one above, here are the details:

  • Top and blazer – Goodwill
  • Skirt – H&M
  • Thigh high tights – Secret Treasures from Walmart
  • Purse – Amazon
  • Shoes – Marc Fisher

If you’d like to ask questions or suggest a topic you can leave a comment below!

8 thoughts on “Work Clothes Don’t Have to Be Boring

  1. I love it! You get your fashion sense from moi!! I always knew how to rock the work world and still be professional! Keep it up!💙💯👍🏼


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