Work, But Make It Fashion ft. The Melanin Mix

This month’s post I wanted to highlight a couple things. First, I wanted to introduce you all to an awesome duo, Karly and Amber, and their podcast The Melanin Mix. Second, I wanted to talk to them about appropriate professional attire in different environments.

So tell us a little about yourselves!

Karly: My name is Karly. I am a (metro) Atlanta native. In my free time, I love hanging out with my fiancé and friends, calling my mom and brothers to chat, doing DIY projects, watching (certain) television shows and listening to podcasts. I attended the University of Georgia and I now work in Human Resources!

Amber: And my name is Amber B . I am from a rural city in Georgia (which isn’t so rural anymore) called Covington . I also attended the University of Georgia with Karly (we were roommates ALL 4 years) and I went to Emory University for my Master’s degree in Public Health. I currently work in Public Health ! My hobbies include doing home organizational and decor projects (go check out my YouTube channel @Amber B.).

Tell us about the Melanin Mix and what y’all aim to do with that podcast. What’s your overall mission/goal(s)?

We are “The Melanin Mix”, a podcast that is available on all streaming platforms. The Melanin Mix is a chatcast that covers a variety of topics that aims to give black women and minorities a safe space to voice their unique experiences. We also offer our perspectives and life experiences on the show and we bring on a diverse set of guests to share their opinions and experiences on topics that are relevant for our listeners. We are known for our ability to have well-structured yet entertaining conversations on relevant topics in relation to our community. Our ultimate goal is to have conversations that are impacting our community and be forward thinking in ways we can create solutions to make a better world. 

(Left to right) Amber and Karly

So, based on where you work, what is expected of you when it comes to how you dress? Karly, I know you recently transitioned to a new role, was there a change in your professional style from one place to the next? And amber, as your transitioned from a masters into your current role, did you find a big change in the way you dressed for class vs the work place?

K: In my role, I am expected to maintain a polished and professional look at all times. The dress code is business casual, with “casual Friday”. This is very different from my previous company – at my previous company, they adopted a “dress for your day” dress code. This meant that they left it up to the employees to decide what they wanted to wear – anything from jeans to slacks. My style changed significantly when I stepped into my new role. I went from wearing jeans and boots to wearing heels and slacks daily. I am a partner to the business now, so I have to look the part. I love the change, and I actually really like dressing up for work. 

A: There wasn’t a huge change from how I would dress at school to how I dress at work now. Of course when I was in my Masters program I had my days where I would wear sweats (of course I kept it cute!) but overall the culture at Emory, especially in the graduate schools, was business casual and I continue to maintain business casual at work. We have casual Friday’s to but I never wear jeans to work. I’m totally against it. 

Is there a “go to” item in your professional wardrobe?

K: I LOVE my black  pants that are high waisted and tie at the waist. You can pair them with pretty much any top- they are so flattering. Added bonus- they are black so if I spill coffee on them I can keep it moving 🤫😂.

A: My go to item is definitely a black pant that have a really nice but subtle pattern. I love wearing pattern pants and paring them with a plain shirt. It’s just a nice combination!

How do you all dress when you’re going on/conducting official podcast business? And what do you expect your guests to wear?

Honestly, because our podcast doesn’t require visual content and it’s strictly audio we are totally casual! It’s a nice way for us to decompress from our official attire during the 9-5 work week. 

Because our guests often shoot visual content for promotional products for our show, we expect them to wear clothing that they feel best represents them and potentially the content on the episode we are airing. 

Karly looking casual chic as she records some dope content for The Melanin Mix

It’s important to always know the expectations of the environment you are going to be in. Often the official rules for dress code in the work place are in the employee handbook. And you can seek further guidance by observing what your coworkers wear and by asking your office manager/HR representative.

Asking and observing will save you from coming to work casually on Friday when there is, in fact, no casual Fridays.

Shout out to these ladies for taking the time to share their insight on their podcast and the transition between jobs and school.

You can subscribe to the Melanin Mix on all platforms! I suggest you check out the episode I was featured on first 😉

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